This essay is talking about how it is significant that a Miller tells "The Millers Tale" and how it is significant that the wife of bath tells her tale.

Essay by icpmikeUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, October 2006

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"The Millers tale" and "The Wife of Baths" tale are both part of "The Canterbury Tales"

Written by, Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer removes himself from these tales by saying that he is just repeating the tales that were told to him. "For, as you all must know as well as I, to tell a tale told by another man you must repeat as nearly as you can each word, if that's the task you've undertaken, however coarse or broad his language is; or, in the telling, you'll have to distort it or make things up, or find new words for it." (Chaucer, General Prologue 19) There were 29 pilgrims, a host, and narrator all on this pilgrimage to Canterbury. They were supposed to tell a tale on the way there and a tale on the way back. The host was going to judge the best tale told and that person was going to receive a free dinner when they got back.

The host also said that if anyone disagrees with his ruling of which tale was the best that they had to pay for everyone's dinner when they returned of which all agreed to these terms. The Miller and the Wife of Bath greatly influence the tone of there tales because of the knowledge and detailed descriptions we learn of these characters before the tale is even told.

The prologue to the Millers tale describes the Miller both physically and personally very well. The Miller was a burly big boned strong fellow. It describes him as being barrel-chested which seems to exaggerate his physique. He had a large red beard that was matted to his large head. The wart on the tip of his nose had bristles of red hair and there were even red hairs growing...