Essay on Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Essay by KaoriHigh School, 10th gradeA+, April 2004

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Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Part 1: The Hearth and the Salamander

First of all, let me start by saying that I have never read this book before. I enjoyed it very much although I did not completely understand everything, as it is in most cases with very intricate literature. This is why I started reading Fahrenheit 451 again. I will start by discussing Ray Bradbury's diction, the themes presented so far, and the character Clarisse.

Personally speaking, I admire Ray Bradbury's style of writing. He writes intellectual books that everyone can appreciate. As far as diction goes, his writing style is especially unique. One of the parts in the book that I think is most interesting is: "One drop of rain. Clarisse. Another drop. Mildred. A third. The uncle. A fourth. The fire tonight. One, Clarisse. Two, Mildred. Three, uncle. Four, fire. One, Mildred, two, Clarisse." (Bradbury 17)

Although this isn't the main diction throughout the story, it is very effective.

It's just random thought. I like this because I don't believe we all think in complete sentences.

The most important aspect of this book is theme. In fact, Ray Bradbury probably thought of the theme before he wrote the story. The central theme of the book is censorship. It's saying that this situation is possible. "Technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure carried the trick..." Beatty tells Montag (Bradbury 58). No choice, no controversy, no problem, everybody's happy, or at least occupied. Humans are no longer people, but bodies. The world depicted is absolutely frightening.

Although Clarisse simply disappears towards the end of the section, she is one of the most significant characters in the entire story. She does not follow the standards of society, therefore is thought of as a danger. She says to Montag, "The...