This essay is about the effects of moving to a new place.

Essay by 2late88High School, 11th gradeA, October 2003

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New country, new life, new challenges. A person experiences all of these things when they migrate. It is a paradigm to start all over when our live all ready exist elsewhere. What we once called home is no longer home but a far away place where our deep and most sacred memories are.

When a person has lived a great part of their life in a small country, it is a challenge to come to a different country. In a small town there is a sense of community amongst the neighbors. One has an epiphany moving to a city, realizing that all the millions of people who live there are strangers, and that one coming from a small town can never trust just anyone. Growing up knowing everyone's name and their personalities is a great difference from not even knowing your next-door neighbor. The sense of security is now broken completely.

School is a completely different matter. Even though math and science seem easy because they are universal. Courses such as History, Government, and English are difficult because they are related to a country they know nothing of.

The people that are accustomed to a certain life style and are all of a sudden exposed to a different setting can see life as difficult and unattainable. Sometimes they acquire the new, "Way thing's are done around here," and go with the flow, while maintaining their old values and customs. Yet there are those who just drop all of their past values and decide to start fresh in this new country.