
Essay by chinookCollege, Undergraduate June 2006

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For the most part, Ecclesiastes is a depressing book. This message starts at a house of mourning and ends up at seeing the sun. Ecclesiastes tells how so many things we would strive for are empty and worthless. Money does not bring satisfaction; it breeds the desire for more. Pleasure is a brief pursuit, unless at heart we are content and happy from the start. Among its reversals of the expected, we are reminded that a rebuke from the wise is better than the song of fools. We understand the truth of the statement, but to live that truth is another matter altogether. It requires humbleness. It requires accepting our limitations. It requires us that we feel sorrow when we find what we have done in error and that we change our direction and accept responsibility for our actions. This is not what we would like to hear it. Our society argues against accepting responsibility. We don't like the sound of that word. We want to believe that somehow responsibility makes us less than free and independent. It might require us to engage in caring for others and live for something more than our own pleasure. Our society needs to change its attitude from "its not my fault" to I take full responsibility, but we no this will not happen.