Difference Bonobo and Chimpanzee Essay

Essay by hondacivicex3High School, 11th gradeB+, December 2003

download word file, 2 pages 5.0

Aggressive behavior is typical of most primates. Gorillas, humans and chimpanzees kill members of their own species. The need for social and physical contact is also characteristic of most primates. Species that live in groups need to reconcile aggression. Social groups require some form of conflict resolution. Sexual behavior is one such mechanism to overwhelm aggression.

Bonobo sex life is divorced from reproduction and also serves the functions of pleasure and conflict resolution. Females are in a sexually attractively state most of the time, and almost continuously sexually active. Sexual activity is very frequent. Males, females and juveniles all engage in erotic activity. Age and gender are not sexual boundaries among the Bonobo. A typical sexual pattern is genital rubbing between adult females. Erotic contacts in bonobos includes oral sex, genital massage and intense tongue-kissing.

Whereas in most other species sexual behavior is a fairly distinct category, in the Bonobo it is part and parcel of social relations.

Sex seems to cement Bonobo bonds. Females use sex to form alliances against males. Consequently males do not dominate females or coerce them sexually. Bonobo culture is female-centered, egalitarian and substitutes sex for aggression.

Bonobos live in groups of 50 to 120 animals. Bonobo society appears to be female-dominated. Male status is linked to that of his mother. Older females occupy the highest rank. The strongest social bonds are between females. Raising offspring is an exclusively female activity. In Bonobo society sexual excitement and aggression rates are higher at feeding times. Dominant males may delay sharing food with females who are not sexually disposed. Cofeeding takes place between intimates. Among Bonobos embracing, friendly touching and sexual contact rates jump after an aggressive incident. According to zoologist Frans de Waal, "The majority of mounts and mating occur in tense...