The Contraction and Mechanism of Rabbit Muscle

Essay by GloriamaUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, May 2007

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Adenosine triphosphate is a major source of energy of a cell and provides the energy for most of the energy consuming activities of the cell. The demonstration of skeletal muscle contraction was presented by A. F. Huxley, 1957. His hypothesis showed the importance of “the size of the power stroke in isometrically contracting muscle fibers” (Ferenczi 1). To better understand muscle contraction and muscle contraction’s speed under different chemical influences has been the forefront in beginning a conceptual viable understanding of how muscles contract at optimum reactions under different influences. The implications and significance in learning more about skeletal muscle contraction is to better understand the human body. The energy source of life is ATP. It is the living force of life.

The possible reasoning behind studying skeletal muscle contraction in rabbit psoas is because of its abundance of availability and it’s easily expunged. Rabbit muscle is closely related to human muscle therefore the comparison and theories form possible viabilities to human development and study in skeletal muscle contraction.

It is closely related to the same measure of force and not structure. “In vertebrates and mammalian muscles the performance of a muscle fiber contracting in isometric conditions or actively shortening exhibits a large variability” (Reggiani 1).

In the demonstration of February 1, 2006, glycerinated psoas rabbit muscle was provided. It became apparent that using solutions containing ATP and other inorganic ions helped generate muscle contractions in the rabbit muscle fiber. There were three types of solutions added and different times to observe and study all contractions after solutions were added. Once the muscle fibers were extracted, they were then studied at 4x, 10, 40x and 100x for clear magnification. By observing the contractions of posas muscle that was isolated the effect the connection of and between ATP energy and muscle...