Case Study Analysis: Faith Community Hospital

Essay by SintheeaUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, June 2006

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From the scenario 'Let It Pour: My First Assignment as Executive Assistant' provided by University of Phoenix (2004), the problems and challenges identified by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) are not unique to Faith Community Hospital, management, or employees. Similar factors plague other institutions and only serve to distract from the intended mission, but left unconstrained, can cause detrimental effects on a wide range of operational elements. There are factors that are relative to the functions of that institution, and there are factors that are constant regardless of the functions such as inflation, variances in personal beliefs and ethics, and communication. In the consideration of those constants, the establishment and implementation of guiding principles require effective communication to ensure compliance. Thus protecting and maintaining the livelihood and well-being the organization, employees, and patients. Of the problems identified, the most prevalent on its own and in the other issues recognized is the deficiencies in communication.


In approximately two-weeks, Pat, the CEO of Faith Community Hospital is conducting an all-member staff meeting with media in attendance. This will be the first all-member staff member conducted during Pat's 10-year tenure as CEO. Pat wants to use that opportunity to present problems effecting current and potential operations of the hospital. The task of developing the key notes, from which the CEO will develop a presentation and speech, falls to the newest addition of the management staff, Chris, the Executive Assistant to the CEO. Chris will have to analyze each problem, determine the cause, present solutions, implement the solutions, and conduct a comprehensive follow-up. Pat has given Chris approximately one week to gather, analyze, and prepare the information that Pat will use when addressing the staff and media.

Key Problems

The CEO has identified issues felt to affect operations of Faith Community Hospital: (a)...