Analysis of Cribb's Etiquette for a Wired World

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Robert Cribb in "Etiquette for a Wired World" explains the dependency on communication technology such as e-mail, call waiting, voice mail, cell phones, answering machines and chat lines. The new and advanced technology is making us less polite and more isolated. The ability for us to connect with people anywhere and anytime has made communication devices very popular. While communicating with e-mail, phones, pagers and other new technological devices we are starting to forget about proper communication etiquette.

The etiquette for cell phone usage follows the same philosophy as all good manners - always be thoughtful of others and keep your surroundings in mind. Cell-phone etiquette is really just common courtesy. Most of us today have a cell phone. Many can't imagine not having a cell phone. Though, most of us complain about other cell phone users. We complain about other people talking to loud about personal things in public places.

We complain when cell phones ring at the movies or class lectures. We complain about people driving too slow, and not paying attention to where they are going because they are talking on a cell phone. Whenever a new communications technology becomes popular, it changes the way our society works. Society needs to invent rules for the polite way to use the new devices. Our social etiquette, our rules of politeness for cell phones, is still developing. There are many things people with cell phone should take in consideration for proper communication etiquette. For example, while on the phone speak softly, you don't need to make yourself heard by everyone and try to use your phone where others can't hear you. Respect personal places of others; take you conversation way from people. Also, don't interrupt a face-to-face conversation to take a personal phone call. The person you are with should take priority. If you have a phone conversation in front of another person, you're showing he or she is unimportant. Most importantly turn you cell phone off during special events such as weddings, sport event, movies, concerts, meetings, class lectures, places of worship, restaurants, libraries and also at medical offices. Be aware of having impractical ring tones, not everyone will appreciate hearing "Alan Jackson" or "The Beatles" every time you receive a call. Try using your phones "vibrate" function instead of the ringer in public.

"Etiquette for a Wired World" by Robert Cribb was a very well-written article. Cribb made many valid points throughout the article. Cribb really stressed the point that all the new technological devices are starting to interrupt our social etiquette; users of cell phones, e-mail, and voicemail are becoming less considerate of other more and more as the technology increases and are taking over our social interaction with people. The thesis was well put together for this type of article. You never know what a person might do if their cell phone might ring, will they pick it up and stop your face-to-face conversations t to answer the phone or will they let there voicemail pick it up? People today need to improve there proper communication etiquette.